
What You Need to Know About Motorcycles

Motorcycles are the simplest form of motorised personal transport. At its simplest, a motorcycle consists of an engine, two wheels and steering.

Modern motorcycles are designed for performance, affordability and aesthetics. They typically have a steel or aluminium frame, telescopic forks that hold the front wheel and disc brakes. The rear wheel is usually on a swinging arm, with one or two shock absorbers to soak up bumps.


A motorcycle’s main engine is typically a four-stroke, single-cylinder petrol or diesel engine with a displacement of between 1.3 and 3 litres (or less commonly, larger capacity). They produce sufficient power to propel the bike at speed.

They are very efficient – the 0-60 acceleration figures for even modest sports bikes are often well below three seconds, compared to almost double that for most cars on the road. They also have excellent traction control, and the ability to reduce their speed if they’re under-steering or over-steering, which makes them far more likely to avoid collisions than a car at high speeds.


A bike’s helmet is a vital part of your protection against the elements and other road users. A properly fitted and adjusted helmet is the best way to prevent serious injury or death in a crash.


Maintaining your bike regularly is important if you want to make the most of your riding experience. Routine maintenance checks can help catch any issues before they become big problems and slow you down on the road.