
Automobiles – The Most Common Means of Transportation on Earth


Automobiles are wheeled vehicles designed to transport people or goods from one place to another. They are powered by an internal combustion engine and run on liquid fuel like petrol (gasoline) or diesel. They are the most common means of transportation on Earth. Having a car can save you time on your daily commute, shopping trips, and visiting friends and family. It can also be an emergency life-saver during unforeseen events like your child getting sick, or you being caught in an unpleasant situation at work.

Automobile technology has benefited from many scientific advances that have allowed the vehicle to become increasingly faster and safer. Modern automobiles are complex technical systems with specialized subsystems that perform specific design functions.

Karl Benz invented the first modern motor car in 1886, using a four-stroke type of internal combustion engine. These engines fueled by gasoline and could produce a large amount of power with relatively little weight, allowing the cars to reach high speeds.

American manufacturers seized on the potential of mass production techniques to lower costs and make the cars more affordable for most Americans. They adapted the assembly line to automobile manufacturing, and this greatly reduced the number of individual parts needed. This increased reliability and allowed cars to be built in a shorter time span than traditional horse-drawn carriages.

As automobiles became more popular in America, they ushered in new social changes. Women began to drive and own their own cars, which gave them the freedom to go places on their own without the need to ask men for permission. The 1920s saw a push for women to vote and the automobile helped them achieve that goal by allowing them to travel around with “votes for women” banners.